Yoshie and Keiko

A wildflower called "kurumabaso," which translates, "car leaf flower" because the leaves are shaped like the spokes of a wheel.

Our fearless leader, Ken, looking up flowers and plants in his guidebook. He loves nature and has a beautiful vegetable garden, besides teaching physics or biology (I forget which) at a local university.

The mountain path we took was dotted with all kinds of Buddhist statues and stone idols. There is a Buddhist monastery nearby, and I met a female "monk" (nun? not sure of the name) when we were almost to the top. She was so surprised (and happy!) to see a foreigner (me) that she let us take a picture together, although I think I heard her telling the other Japanese that she usually doesn't let people take pictures but this time it was okay. She was wearing a long robe. I can't remember her name, but it started with "Ko" - "Koko," "Koro," something. Please pray for her, that she would find God's truth... Romans says that creation speaks of Him, so pray that she would reach out for God and live.

Mr. Horimoto, one of my favorite people in all Japan.

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