One more day...
It is Monday, Feb. 2, and I am trying to make the morning go by faster so tonight will come. When night falls, then I will sleep and wake up and find out that it's Tuesday, and Athos will be arriving in the evening. 6:29 p.m.
What will I wear? What will he wear? What will we say? What will he look like after almost three months, and three more months apart before that?
What will it be like to see my fiance arriving from thousands of miles away, a silver Brazilian engagement ring on his right hand - looking for me among the crowds in Richmond as I wait for him at the entrance, as far as I am allowed to go?
After all these months of waiting and wondering (and two years of questions in Japan), Athos is coming... coming not just to visit, but to marry me, to pack up my things and take me to his place, my place, our place, on the coast of Brazil.
A place of my own. At last.
I have never lived in Guarapari. I have never lived in Brazil, for that matter. I visited there three years ago, and I loved it. I wanted to go back. But who would have thought...?
I will be as eager and expectant on the day we land in Guarapari as I will be tonight - excited, anticipating, nervous, scared, happy.
Is it real? Is he real?
It will be... and it is. He is.
Just as our Saviour Christ is real, and He is returning. It's been a long time. The work has grown hard. The questions are many. The answers sometimes not enough. We grow tired, we doubt, we wonder if He is ever coming - really coming -in the flesh... or is that just some "pie in the sky" tale from a '50s Sunday school painting or an odd topic people use to sell paperback novels.
No, the truth is He IS coming.
But unlike Athos, His coming will be a surprise. How He loves surprises! Even He doesn't know exactly when He'll arrive - only the Father does.
But when He does, oh, when He does!
He will be searching the crowd for a face - YOUR face - His arms laden with presents, His suitcase full of gifts with YOUR name on them.
"I'm not coming to visit," He says. "I'm not coming to stay a week or two and head home. No, I'm taking you WITH ME.
I have a place for you, all yours, just the way you like it. Sorry it took me so long to get here - I've been getting it all ready. You're going to love it."
"When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?" He asks in Luke 18:8.
And when He comes, will He not only find your faith but find YOU there, waiting, looking, searching the crowd for His face?
His ticket is booked. Paid for. He IS coming, no matter what the delays or what the weather in Washington is.
Will you be there?